The Taagepera SPA Castle Complex in Valga County is a unique area with an environmental value, which includes the Art Nouveau-style castle, an a ’la carte restaurant, a luxurious castle spa, a 1930s-style hotel as well as sports and leisure facilities. Wagenküll is all about a full-relaxing holiday.
Wagenküll Lossispa’s excellent relaxing treatments include a peat bath, which deeply warms the body, heals and offers lightness to the soul. Peat contains magnesium and other minerals to help relieve muscle tension and cramps. In addition, peat helps to regulate hormones and levels of brain activity. Due to these properties, peat has a calming effect on the central nervous system and helps to reduce the stress hormone. Peat bath can be enjoyed alone or with company. This is an experience like no other and you are in great danger of getting addicted!
Serum reduces scalp inflammation process, promotes the absorption of nutrients into hair follicles and balances the scalp microflora.
Aesti hair serum contains vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E, biotin, silicon, magnesium, selenium, essential flavonoids for hair, folic acid and tannin.
Use the serum once a week for achieving best results. Comb your hair and apply an even layer of serum to the entire scalp. Leave the serum on for 20 minutes, and wash it off the scalp with natural and sulfate-free shampoo. You will see the first results in a month use. 1 bottle of hair growth serum is for 1 month as a cure. Depending on the situation, choose a suitable length for the treatment – 1 month / 4 months / 10 months.
Projekti lühikirjeldus: Arendusprojekti üldine eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte konkurentsivõimet läbi eelduste loomise uuenduslike ja kõrgema lisandväärtusega toodete väljatöötamiseks ja turustamiseks nii sise- kui välisturgudel. Arendusprojekti konkreetseks eesmärgiks on innovaatilistele tehnoloogilistele lahendustele tuginedes töötada välja spetsiifiline kosmeetikatööstuse tooraine töötlemise tehnoloogia. Projekti tulemusena on valminud on spetsiifiliselt kosmeetikatööstuses kasutatava seadme eel- ja põhiprojekt, lisandunud uued tootegrupid, kasvanud ettevõtte konkurentsivõime ja ekspordipotentsiaal.
Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.
Toetuse summa on 13990,2 eurot.