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How the idea was born

“In 2007, my sister had a problem with hair loss. The help she received in Estonia did not produce the desired results. While researching ways to alleviate the problem, my sister stumbled upon a methodology developed in Finland that had produced positive results in relieving scalp problems and slowing down hair loss. After following the treatment recommended by the Finns, her hair loss stopped. This was the first big step that showed that, by continuing the methodology, it is possible to alleviate scalp problems. One important component that ensured the effectiveness of the methodology was peat, which was used to deep cleanse the scalp. No treatment can work effectively if the scalp is not clean. During the time my sister was using the peat that she had bought from Finland, we had many discussions about it in our family. If peat really is that effective, then why is Estonian peat not being used for the well-being of our skin and health?”

The Birth of Aesti

“It was in 2009 when I decided to start researching what possibilities there are to start producing beauty products from Estonian peat. I quickly learned that in Estonia peat is widely used to create calorific value and to produce fertiliser. But when it came to cosmetic purposes, no one had attempted to deal with the subject in depth. Here and there you might hear that someone had tried to do, test or research something. There was no summary research that could have resulted in the production of a product for consumers. Thus I started collecting materials about the peat that was used for cosmetic purposes and its properties and effects. When it came to information that we could not find, we conducted experiments in cooperation with the University of Tartu and the Tallinn University of Technology to identify which problems and conditions peat heals and alleviates.  Every new answer gave us more motivation to reach the final product. During the process it became clear that peat is a temperamental raw material. It works well enough when it is alone, but when we wanted to make it work with other components in order to produce more versatile beauty products, the results were subpar. In the end we realised that the only way to “tame” peat is to develop a methodology that would give us a raw material that would allow us to achieve equivalent results in the production of the final product. We started an extensive development process that resulted in a technology that allowed us to filter peat. This result gave us pure, 100% organic and stable peat with a rich composition which is now used to make all Aesti beauty products.”

The first product

“In 2013, Aesti started cooperation with Chemi-Pharm AS, one of the leading natural cosmetics companies in Estonia, to produce effective and easy-to-use beauty products from natural peat. The aim was to find suitable and natural ingredients with which Estonian peat could be mixed. In 2015, the first peat shampoo was produced in Estonia. The shampoo had all the good qualities of peat that my sister had experienced in 2007 when she first used peat on her scalp. In the same year, Aesti peat shampoo won two Estonian beauty awards. Magazines Anne & Stiil and Iluguru both chose the peat shampoo as the best natural beauty product of the year in Estonia. To date, eight beauty products made from Estonian peat have been developed – various hair, skin and body care products. In addition, several new products are currently under development.”

– founder of Aesti, Heiki Kanne

Projekti lühikirjeldus: Aesti Skincare OÜ tegeleb Eesti terviseturbast looduskosmeetika arendamise ja tootmisega. Starditoetuse abil teostatakse turundustegevusi. Projekti eesmärk on üle-eestiline brändi ja toodete tuntuse kasv läbi turunduskommunikatsiooni ehk tarbijates tähelepanu ja huvi äratamine ning ostusoovi tekitamine läbi erinevate turundustegevuste. Projekti tulemusena on viidud ellu turundusplaan ja loodud 2 uut töökohta. Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond. Toetuse summa on 14959,84 eurot.

Projekti lühikirjeldus: Arendusprojekti üldine eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte konkurentsivõimet läbi eelduste loomise uuenduslike ja kõrgema lisandväärtusega toodete väljatöötamiseks ja turustamiseks nii sise- kui välisturgudel. Arendusprojekti konkreetseks eesmärgiks on innovaatilistele tehnoloogilistele lahendustele tuginedes töötada välja spetsiifiline kosmeetikatööstuse tooraine töötlemise tehnoloogia. Projekti tulemusena on valminud on spetsiifiliselt kosmeetikatööstuses kasutatava seadme eel- ja põhiprojekt, lisandunud uued tootegrupid, kasvanud ettevõtte konkurentsivõime ja ekspordipotentsiaal.
Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.
Toetuse summa on 13990,2 eurot.