The 100% natural filtered Estonian peat body mask guarantees a relaxing procedure and results in clean, silky-smooth skin. Peat is a pearl of nature, a well-kept secret that can work wonders on the body. The Aesti Nordic Peat Body Mask rejuvenates the freshness and natural cleanliness of skin and leaves the user feeling relaxed and calm. The body mask makes the skin become silky-smooth, glowing with vitality and youthfully elastic. The product is suitable for all skin types, improving the moisture balance of the skin in all of its layers. During the procedure, the minerals in peat are absorbed into cells and help to relieve tension and pain in your body. It is an experience like no other and you may well become addicted to it. It has long been proven that peat has natural healing properties which will guarantee you will sleep like a baby that night.
It is the only draining body wrap procedure that is also suitable for people suffering from any thyroid problems and for whom seaweed or mud procedures are usually not recommended. Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
sodium cocoate, aqua, sodium palmate, glycerin, sodium sunflowerate, sodium olivate, peat, sodium cocoa butterate, cymbopogon flexuosus oil, rosmarinus communis oil, mentha arvensis oil, sodium beeswax
Foam the soap with water. Massage the foam on your hands or body. Rinse with lukewarm water.
Projekti lühikirjeldus: Arendusprojekti üldine eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte konkurentsivõimet läbi eelduste loomise uuenduslike ja kõrgema lisandväärtusega toodete väljatöötamiseks ja turustamiseks nii sise- kui välisturgudel. Arendusprojekti konkreetseks eesmärgiks on innovaatilistele tehnoloogilistele lahendustele tuginedes töötada välja spetsiifiline kosmeetikatööstuse tooraine töötlemise tehnoloogia. Projekti tulemusena on valminud on spetsiifiliselt kosmeetikatööstuses kasutatava seadme eel- ja põhiprojekt, lisandunud uued tootegrupid, kasvanud ettevõtte konkurentsivõime ja ekspordipotentsiaal.
Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.
Toetuse summa on 13990,2 eurot.
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