Aesti Bioactive Peat Toner is cleansing and refreshing for your face. At the same time toning the facial skin, correcting the complexion and tightening pores. 100% natural, filtered and from the deep untouched Estonian nature. Contains bioactive minerals for skin care that are specific to peat water. The product is suitable for use in the morning and evening to restore the pH level of the facial skin or to refresh yourself during the day. The Bioactive Peat Toner is in a convenient bottle with a spray pump. It is easy to carry and use both on a cotton pad and when sprayed on the face. The product is allergen-free and does not contain additives. Also suitable for sensitive and problematic skin. According to the wisdom of the ancient people, bog water makes a person’s skin 7 years younger
The 100% natural filtered Estonian peat body mask guarantees a relaxing procedure and results in clean, silky-smooth skin. Peat is a pearl of nature, a well-kept secret that can work wonders on the body. The Aesti Body Mask rejuvenates the freshness of the skin and leaves the user feeling relaxed and calm. The Mask helps the skin become silky-smooth, glowing with vitality and youthful elasticity. Further, the minerals in peat get absorbed into the skin cells during the procedure and help ease any painful tensions in the body. The product suits all skin types, balancing moisture levels throughout the different skin layers. The Aesti peat body mask is also well-suited for people suffering from any thyroid problems and for whom seaweed or mud procedures are usually not recommended. The Body Mask is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.
100% filtered balneological peat.
Preheat the mask to around 40 degrees Celsius in a bowl of water. Exfoliate the skin lightly beforehand. Apply the mask to the skin in a roughly even layer (using approximately 150g in total per procedure). Cover the body with a film and warm blanket. Let the mask work its magic for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with clean warm water. After the procedure, we recommend drinking plenty of water and relaxing for at least 30 minutes. Use the mask 1-2 times a week.
Projekti lühikirjeldus: Arendusprojekti üldine eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte konkurentsivõimet läbi eelduste loomise uuenduslike ja kõrgema lisandväärtusega toodete väljatöötamiseks ja turustamiseks nii sise- kui välisturgudel. Arendusprojekti konkreetseks eesmärgiks on innovaatilistele tehnoloogilistele lahendustele tuginedes töötada välja spetsiifiline kosmeetikatööstuse tooraine töötlemise tehnoloogia. Projekti tulemusena on valminud on spetsiifiliselt kosmeetikatööstuses kasutatava seadme eel- ja põhiprojekt, lisandunud uued tootegrupid, kasvanud ettevõtte konkurentsivõime ja ekspordipotentsiaal.
Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.
Toetuse summa on 13990,2 eurot.
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