Free delivery from €30


After receiving the order, the customer has the right to withdraw from the contract entered into in the online store within 14 days.


The right of withdrawal does not apply to legal persons.


The returned goods must be free from defects, sealed in the original packaging and unused. Products with open packaging, a removed label or with signs of use cannot be returned.


To return the goods, the customer must submit a declaration of withdrawal to the e-mail address no later than within 14 days of receiving the goods.


The customer must bear the costs of returning the goods, except in cases where the reason for the return is that the returnable product does not comply with the order (e.g. a wrong or defective product).


The customer must return the goods within 14 days of the submission of the declaration of withdrawal or submit evidence that they handed over the goods to the carrier within this period.


Upon receipt of the returned goods, the seller shall return to the customer, immediately but no later than within 14 days from the receipt of the application for withdrawal of all payments received from the customer under the contract.


The seller has the right to refuse to refund the customer until the goods which are the object of the contract have been returned or until the customer has provided proof that they have sent the goods back, whichever is the earliest.


The seller has the right to withdraw from the sales transaction and require the customer to return the goods if the price of the goods was marked significantly below the market value of the goods due to an error.

Projekti lühikirjeldus: Aesti Skincare OÜ tegeleb Eesti terviseturbast looduskosmeetika arendamise ja tootmisega. Starditoetuse abil teostatakse turundustegevusi. Projekti eesmärk on üle-eestiline brändi ja toodete tuntuse kasv läbi turunduskommunikatsiooni ehk tarbijates tähelepanu ja huvi äratamine ning ostusoovi tekitamine läbi erinevate turundustegevuste. Projekti tulemusena on viidud ellu turundusplaan ja loodud 2 uut töökohta. Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond. Toetuse summa on 14959,84 eurot.

Projekti lühikirjeldus: Arendusprojekti üldine eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte konkurentsivõimet läbi eelduste loomise uuenduslike ja kõrgema lisandväärtusega toodete väljatöötamiseks ja turustamiseks nii sise- kui välisturgudel. Arendusprojekti konkreetseks eesmärgiks on innovaatilistele tehnoloogilistele lahendustele tuginedes töötada välja spetsiifiline kosmeetikatööstuse tooraine töötlemise tehnoloogia. Projekti tulemusena on valminud on spetsiifiliselt kosmeetikatööstuses kasutatava seadme eel- ja põhiprojekt, lisandunud uued tootegrupid, kasvanud ettevõtte konkurentsivõime ja ekspordipotentsiaal.
Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.
Toetuse summa on 13990,2 eurot.